U Budimpešti je od 27. do 30. kolovoza 2023. godine održana godišnja konferencija u organizaciji ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe) pod nazivom Teacher education on the move.
Na konferenciji su predavači Škole za medicinske sestre Mlinarska održali sljedeće prezentacije:
- Presentation of practiacal teaching throuhg the RCK project: additional education to reduce stigmatisation – Tanja Dornik, Iva Šušterčić, Daniel Goreta
- Digital educational contents – Iva Šuštečić, Tanja Dornik
- Are student sin their final year of High School bore din classes – Kristina Vokić, Marija Sablić, Đurđica Stanešić
- The interdisciplinary theme: Ergonomics in preserving and improving the halth of student sin the Health sector – Đurđica Stanešić, Kristina Vokić.